We offer online sales and award winning design services. You'll find that our prices are pretty competitive. Contact us to get started.
Basic Store
Our basic store option consists of a store that lives on the Made Legend site that is linked to from your website. We set everything up, process all your inventory and images and send you a check at the end of each month for the sales. As always you can check in whenever you like and see how your store is doing at any given time.
Store Demo
Cost: Free

Cost: Free

Cost of Doing Business

Description:We want our users to grow sustainable businesses, so we’ve tied our success to yours — we only make money when you do.  Made Legend participates in a percentage of revenue from each sales transaction, at a flat rate of 16% + Credit Cart processing fees.   You get our full set of features at no additional cost, so you can sell on Facebook promote on social network sites, engage your fans, and embed our growing number of widgets without paying a dime extra.

Frequency: Monthly
Advanced Store With Facebook App
Our advanced store option gives you all the features of the basic store but includes a store interface that exists on your website and matches it's style. With this option fans never have to leave your site to shop. It also includes facebook app which posts all of your products to your bands facebook page making them available to everyone in your network.
Embedded Demo
Cost: Free

Cost: Free

Cost of Doing Business

Description: We want our users to grow sustainable businesses, so we’ve tied our success to yours — we only make money when you do.  Made Legend participates in a percentage of revenue from each sales transaction, at a flat rate of 16% + Credit Cart processing fees.   You get our full set of features at no additional cost, so you can sell on Facebook promote on social network sites, engage your fans, and embed our growing number of widgets without paying a dime extra.

Frequency: Monthly
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All prices are in USD. Copyright 2010 Made Legend. All content is TM and copyright Made Legend and may not be reproduced without permission.
All other imagery, text etc is the property of its respective owner and is used with permission.