Andrew Goldfarb
The Slow Poisoner (alias Andrew Goldfarb) is a One-Man-Surrealistic-Rock-and-Roll-Band from San Francisco. He strums a curiously-shaped guitar and croons curiously-shaped lyrics, all the while kicking incessantly at a bass drum rigged with sleigh bells, generating a weird and rootsy din. We have been lucky enough to get some of his great art here as well.
Location: San Francisco, USA
Tom Burns
Tom works as a freelance illustrator and a graphic designer who also does photography for Getty Images. He has started his work with SP by designing a few shirts for Lotus. Tom works from Murfreesboro, TN where he does amazing work for all types of clients.
Location: Nashville, USA
Matt Yerman
Matt Yerman is a designer and illustrator hailing from heart of the Silicon Valley, San Jose. He currently resides in a small unit above a garage and probably spends entirely too much time in front of a computer screen, drinking entirely too much coffee, all while listening to entirely too much funky electronic music! In his spare time, he enjoys making tunes and DJ’ing whenever and wherever he can.
Location: San Jose, USA
Scott Barry
Scott Barry is an artist and designer currently working and living in Los Angeles. Founder of Sacred Mtn and past designer at Ordinary Kids, he works in a wide variety of mediums.
Location: Los Angeles, USA
Cassidy Bishop
Cassidy is a serial entrepreneur who has worked with design in one form or another his whole life. Whether creating 3D worlds or designing for print he is hopelessly addicted to anything creative. When not designing you can usally find him working on his other passion, Made Legend. As a founding partner of Made Legend Cassidy’s vision and energy are a driving force in creating an kick-ass and fun company. He currently lives in Southern California where he spends way too little time outdoors.
Location: Los Angeles, USA